This Summer 2021 virtual bootcamp is for high school students serious about their futures! It's focused on helping them understand how their natural aptitudes, interests, personality, and values align with real-world careers that will be the best choice for them based on who they are!
In this bootcamp students will learn my proven approach to making decisions about college majors and careers that will help them make the absolute best decisions possible---let's face it, making good decisions about a college major and career is downright difficult. College is expensive and changing majors because of indecision extends the time needed to earn a degree. A huge amount of stress, time, and money can be saved by making these important decisions based on the model I've used successfully with hundreds of students. The natural inclination is for students to use the "needle in a haystack" approach by looking at all of the hundreds of occupations and trying to pick the one they think is best.
My approach is to start from the opposite perspective--helping them understand their abilities, interests, personality, and values as a strong foundation to explore the best fit, most in-demand careers based on who they are! We'll use the Highlands Ability Battery, the gold standard in aptitude testing and the TypeFocus Career Assessment to explore interests, personality type, and values as starting points and then explore best-fit careers and related college majors, and conclude with an action plan for moving forward toward college and careers. An individual session with me through Zoom or in person for further college and career planning after the bootcamp is offered as an option at no additional charge.
Requirements for participation: students must be at least 14 years old and must use a laptop or computer each session and have access to a printer (preferably color). Since this is a virtual bootcamp, they will print their assessment reports and binder inserts. Also needed: a 1" view binder, Avery 5-tab Dividers for 3 Ring Binders, earbuds, paper, pen, hole punch.
Session dates and times (through Zoom):
August 22: 2:00-3:00 Introductions, Career Decision Making Model, Highlands Ability Battery Instructions (they will complete the Highlands battery on their own and print their two reports before the next session)
August 29: 2:00-4:00 Highlands Ability Battery exploration of abilities and aptitudes (take the TypeFocus assessment and print report before next session)
September 12: 2:00-4:00 TypeFocus Career Assessment and college major and career exploration based on assessment results
September 19: 2:00-4:00 College Major and Career Exploration (continued) and Career and College Major Action Plans
Registration: complete the form and email it to me at by Wednesday, August 19.
Make the Bootcamp payment ($300.) through this link by Wednesday, August 19:
Binder inserts:
Questions? Call or text me at 225-939-0360