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Career coaching in Baton Rouge
Career coaching in Baton Rouge

Who I Serve

CAREERWORKS360 serves high school students looking for help with college or career planning, college students in need of coaching to choose a major and career path, new professionals that are unhappy in their current careers, and older adults in career transition.  Regardless of your age or status, I have the career planning experience to coach you to career success.


Find the category that best describes you below, and read about how my career assessment and planning techniques can help you.

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High School Career Coaching
High School Students

Making the right decisions before taking the next step after high school can save you much time, effort, money, and heartache. In just a few hours, Dr. Feduccia can help you avoid years of trial and error during your college years.  There’s no need to change your college major multiple times or choose a career that you are not going to find challenging and fulfilling. Coaching is also available for students whose next step is not college.


National statistics vary but most state that at least 50% of entering college students are undecided about their majors.  50% – 70% of students change their majors at least once. Most will change majors at least 3 times before they graduate.


I'll help you decide what to do after high school, what to choose as a college major, and which career path is best for you. Too many high school students don't know where to begin in making decisions about college majors and careers or even if they should attend college.  My approach allows students to get in touch with their unique abilities, interests, personalities, and values to pick a career plan that best fits their individual needs.


Research shows that abilities stabilize around 14 years of age and are hard-wired within us.  So if you are a high school junior or senior, this is an ideal time in your life to understand the innate abilities and aptitudes that you should tap into for a challenging and successful career. 


Check out this information for High School Students:    7 Myths About Heading Off to College


To view a sample Highlands Ability Battery profile, click here:  Highlands Sample Student Report and click here to view the sample Highlands Career Exploration Supplement for Students



New program:  High School Buddy Bootcamp.  Designed for 2 - 3 students.  Contains individual and group sessions.  See Package #5.



My Choosing a College Major and Career Bootcamp will be offered again this summer for high school and college students.  A minimum of five students is needed for a group.  Contact me for more information.  


A virtual bootcamp is also available, based on requests.

Contact me for more information.


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College Students Career Coaching
College Students and Recent Graduates

College students often engage in “major shopping” to decide on a college major and career choice.  Many times a process of elimination is used in an attempt to settle on the right major.  Many students earn a bachelor’s degree in the time it would have taken them to earn both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree because they do no not use a proven process in career planning and decision-making. 


Also very common are students who graduate and launch their careers only to find that the choices they made aren't the right fit.  They realize after entering the work world that they are in careers and jobs that don't match their personalities or abilities.  Many of these new professionals made their career plans rather haphazardly instead of using a sound process to make good decisions based on who they are. 


Dr. Feduccia provides the career coaching experience to help you not only pick a major that you can stick with but also a career path that matches your unique abilities and skills through our proven career assessment and planning process.


To view a sample Highlands Ability Battery profile, click here:  Highlands Sample Student Report and click here to view the sample Highlands Career Exploration Supplement for Students



Anchor 3
Career Coaching for Adults
Adults in Transition

Sometimes our careers or jobs cause problems that affect our performance at work and carry over into our personal lives. The need to consider a career change is often manifested in job burnout or job stress. To find a cure for a work-related problem, I'll help you identify the symptoms and the cause of your stress.


Some possible signs or causes of job stress are listed below:

  • Overwork: working late or on weekends, taking work home, postponing vacations

  • Rumors or reports of impending layoffs or reassignments

  • Recognition that you’re in the wrong career

  • Conflict with your boss or co-workers

  • Continuing lack of interest in your work

  • Reluctance to face the new workday


If these symptoms become severe enough, you may need to consider changing careers.


But, a career change should not be made lightly, impulsively, or without careful consideration of vital factors in choosing your ideal career path. Dr. Feduccia will help you assess your natural abilities, personal style, interests, values, goals, and background. My career planning and coaching techniques will help you explore these critical areas to lead to a career change or work in retirement that will bring satisfaction and fulfillment.


Click here to view a Highlands Sample Adult Report and here to view a Highlands Sample Adult Career Exploration Supplement.


If you're interested in an intensive personal and career coaching program, click here for information about an in-depth way to develop a personal and career vision statement for the rest of your years.

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Call for free consultation


7470 Highland Road

Baton Rouge, LA 70808




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